Friday, May 30, 2008

TCOCP: <--- Pretty Obvious!

Pretty obvious what title one! I mean look at the title and compare it to the others! If you don't know it was TCOCP (The Cave of Club Penguin.) But you can still call it The Club Penguin Cave. And the link is still
So yeah thats all for now bye! Oh and kinda cool the CPIP free item eh?

- Natho Dude (CP NAME) (TCOCP President and Super Duper Hint finder

Club Penguin: CPIP Free Item

Today the CPIP item came out! If you participated in testing new servers you got this red construction hat. It just takes out a red jackhammer :[. But heres a odd picture I made of it!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

TCOCP: Late post and pretty much the winner etc.

Ok. It looks like the winner is TCOCP. And also I haven't posted in a while so here is a post. Oh and sorry to everyone who was going to my party I didn't show up. I had plans. So bye for now!

- Natho Dude (CP Name) (TCOCP President and Super Duper Hint Finder

Friday, May 23, 2008

tcpk: New Recruit aqua131131

New recruit! Their name is aqua131131! There are The Super Hint Finder! Soo yeah the people in tcpk are:
Natho Dude (ME the president and super duper hint finder)
FishyFishy48: Super Duper Hint Finder (my friend)
DougyLast: Pin Finder (never really here and DougyLast is my brother)
aqua131131: Super Hint finder (some nice person I found off the site)

Newest Recruit: aqua131131
Give an applause to aqua!

- Natho Dude (CP name) (tcpk president and super duper hint finder)

TCPK: The Club Penguin Kave

Ok, you know I told you when someone was gonna shut down my site? Well, I posted 2 polls. The first one was a mess up. Soo just look at the second one. And now just for now it will be TCPK instead of TCPC. (I only changed a letter.) So yeah seeya!

- Natho Dude (TCPK President and super duper hint finder)

T CP C: :[

Ok, someone might shut my sight down. Why? Because I didn't know there already was a TCPC. Sucks right? Soooooo, I made the new site title like this, T CP C. (I put in spaces!) Or if you want me to change it to something else I am making a poll. Not a pool but a poll. Anyway, Bye for now!

- Natho Dude (CP name) (TCPC President etc.)

Monday, May 19, 2008

TCPC: Cool Site

Ok, I want to advertise a site that a like. Please still do go to this site. Just also go to that one anyway it is at the top right of the page. I'm still gonna put the link down though! So yeah the link is:

- Natho Dude (CP Name) (TCPC President and Super Duper Hint Finder)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Club Penguin: Party (PART 2) OR 3 EXTRAS PLEASE READ!

Okay I put the super rink twice. in the 3rd or 2nd I put the super rink twice. (Once in part 4 once in part 2 or 3.) So just forget about it. Hey, we all make mistakes!

Club Penguin: Party (EXTRAS TO PICTURES)

Ok. I forgot to put a room down. Sooooooooooo I'm not going to add another picture but will say where to go. Go to the Night Club (Labled Knight Club for party) in the town. Go to the 2nd story, and, that room is decorated. Anyway very cool and for now see ya!

Club Penguin: Party (PART 4)

Pictures again? Yes, but this is the last one. So in order: No. 1 Sled Races (Mountain.) No. 2 Super Rink (Ice Hockey Rink.) No. 3 Snow Forts.
And thats wraps this up for the party. Oh and there is a mini find it in these last 4 posts. (Kinda hard kinda easy.) Hint: Penguin wear. To contact me with the answer send me an email here:
Winners: ????????
P.S. caN you figurE this Wierd wHats crAzily different Thingy?

Club Penguin: Party (PART 3)

Yes, I took ALOT of pictures! Well in order: No. 1 Pet Shop. No. 2 Coffee Shop. No. 3 Ski Lodge. No. 4 Upstairs in Ski Lodge. No. 5 The Plaza

Club Penguin: Party (PART 2)

More pictures! In order: No. 1 dock. No. 2 the pool. No. 3 Pizza Parlor. No. 4 Light House. No. 5 beacon. - Natho Dude (CP NAME) (TCPC PRESIDENT AND SUPER DUPER HINT FINDER)

Club Penguin: Party

I know you can barely see them, so I will list them in order. Oh, and this isn't all the pictures it is just all I could fit. No. 1 is the dock. No. 2 is the beach. No. 3 is the cove. No. 4 is the forest. No. 5 is up a tree in the forest. And the puffle in the last one it becomes different colors! (Blue, Green, Pink.) Have fun at the party!
- Natho Dude (CP Name) (President and Super Duper Hint Finder for TCPC)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

TCPC: Natho Dude's New Look? Again? So soon?

Yes, new look already. I know you might barely even see it, so, I will tell you what it is made of. Red Color, Umbrella Hat, Hawaiian Lei, Hawaiian Shirt, Brown Sandals, Blue Sunglasses, Rockhopper Backround, Puffle-Pirate Flag Pin. Wow, that was a mouthful! Anyway, bye for now.
Natho Dude (CP Name) (President and Super Duper Hint finder)

TCPC: FishyFishy48 Super Duper Hint Finder

Ok, the person in the player card is FishyFishy48. Person right to the player card is, me of course! Anyway this is my friend and she will be at some of my parties. (If she can attend them.) So anyway, great friend of mine and she will tell me hints and I will post them. So yeah bye!
- Natho Dude (CP Name) (TCPC President and Super Duper Hiny Finder)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

TCPC: Natho Dude's Igloo Is a BaseBall Field!

I made this and will not be keeping it forever. So Look at it while you can! Bye. - Natho Dude (CP NAME) P.S. The arrows say: Field (For the one in the grass), and Home-Like Dugout (One in house part.)

TCPC: Natho Dude's Player Card

Yes, This is me. I will change off and on, but I will notify you! Bye. - Natho Dude (CP Name)

Friday, May 9, 2008

TCPC: CPC failure

Ok, I have been told CPC (club penuin cranny) doesnt work. Well, I don't know why this is happening so continue using this site. I will post catalog cheats etc. later. (Im at my friend's house typing this.) So goodbye fellow TCPCs see you at he next update!

Recruited members of TCPC:
DougyLast (Pin Finder)
FishyFishy48 (Super Duper Hint Finder)
And me Natho Dude (President and Super Duper Hint Finder)
- Natho Dude (Club Penguin Name)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

TCPC: Goodbyes to fellow TCPC's

Okay, my sister Mimi and I were improving the site. And she told me to leave. I came back an hour later and she made a completely new site for me. So TCPC will be no more. Farewell TCPC We salute you, America salutes you. Anyway, the new sit link is:
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo again we salute you TCPC and now you got a child site named CPC but, this site was supposed to be called Club Penguin Cave (CPC) But was taken so we put the in front. So it was renamed TCPC not CPC. Anyway again the link is:

- Nathan
Natho Dude (Club Penguin Name)

The Club Penguin Cave: Special Offer

Okay, I will put a picture of my Club Penguin Player Card. If you want to join TCPC (The Club Penguin Cave) I will be happy to recruit you. Just post a comment saying that you want to join and maybe I will recruit some of you. But you gotta help me get my site off the groung in return o.k.? (By telling your friends, etc.) Bye for now!

- Nathan
Natho Dude (Club Penguin Name)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Club Penguin Cave: Partys

Yes, I will have a party. I will give out the location later on when more people look around. Post a comment so I can see if your coming or not. Some lucky winners of my random choice will be on my friends list.

- Nathan
(Natho Dude CP Name)

New Club Penguin New Help Site

I will post Club Penguin Help Hints. You can also help me by posting comments, and I'll introduce you.

But, right now I have to go.
See you guys (or girls) later!

~ Nathan
(Natho Dude on CP)