Thursday, May 29, 2008

TCOCP: Late post and pretty much the winner etc.

Ok. It looks like the winner is TCOCP. And also I haven't posted in a while so here is a post. Oh and sorry to everyone who was going to my party I didn't show up. I had plans. So bye for now!

- Natho Dude (CP Name) (TCOCP President and Super Duper Hint Finder


Fishyfishy48 said...

Hey Nathan its Fishyfishy48!You posted this today because I can see the date you wrote it.Openhouse was boring huh?

Natho Dude (CPG MOD) said...

To Mandy,
Open House was boring. So was boomers today. All the fun rides were closed. Me and my friend Michael almost won an Xbox 360 (even though my dad already has one) or a Wii! (even though my friend Michael has a Wii!) That was the only good stuff though. But then we went to Costco and had Pizza and frozen yogurt stuff! Really fattening in both though so a bad idea! But then we went to my house and played my dad's Xbox 360! It was really fun!

- Natho Dude (CP NAME)