Monday, May 19, 2008

TCPC: Cool Site

Ok, I want to advertise a site that a like. Please still do go to this site. Just also go to that one anyway it is at the top right of the page. I'm still gonna put the link down though! So yeah the link is:

- Natho Dude (CP Name) (TCPC President and Super Duper Hint Finder)


Twinkle said...

Sure,I'll be a mod Nathan.About the private party,I can't meet cuz I got school.The date should be Friday,Saturday,or Sunday in 5PM-8PM anytime.CP time is also my time,so got school.Plus,can't go 2 computer early in weekends.So any weekend between 5PM-8PM is fine with me.Have a great day at Club Penguin.;)


john said...

Hey Nathen,
Of course ill come to your party. Just tell me where it is. Thanks!!
- Lion :D

john said...

Hey Nathan,
You told me the date the time and the server but what is the place?

Anonymous said...

Nathan, sorry buy TCPC is already taken by Cena12121. He could shut your site down if you don't change your site title.